Kuzu no honkai anime crunchyroll
Kuzu no honkai anime crunchyroll


I also liked her relationship with Hanabi because it isn’t just a simple rivalry for a man.


She’s manipulative, clever, and knows exactly what to do and how to act in order to rein in her prey. Although just having her enjoy sleeping with other people may seem simple, Kuzu no Honkai is able to portray her in such a way that makes her interesting. I suppose “slut” is what a lot of people may call her but the thing is that she’s the one who seeks it out and she’s pretty much in control of her sexuality and, goddamn, if that’s not impressive. That’s something I really admire about her. While some characters have sex with others in order not to feel so lonely or to get closer to others, Akane just does it to feel good. Of all the characters in KnH, I find Akane to be the most intriguing (although I don’t particularly like or dislike her, there’s no denying that she and a majority of the cast are very well done). It makes one wonder the difference between and attraction and it’s fascinating to see Mugi struggle loving Akane and realize what his desires truly are at the same time. (I think, of course, that it’s a little more complicated than all I’m sharing for this post, but that’s the jist of how I think it should work.) However, the way Mugi describes it makes it seems as though he sees changing her as a conquest, being her savior, or at the very least being someone so special to her that she can’t help but change. I’ve always viewed love as this unconditional thing, where you love someone with their flaws. But I think what interests me most about Mugi is his attraction to Akane because he will admit he loves her despite knowing her man-eating ways but says that he wants to be the one who changes her. (Basically, he’s scummier, but pretty much everyone is in this series.) This isn’t the first time he’s pursued a relationship purely for the sexual benefits. He’s different from Hanabi because he’s less innocent than she is. I think Mugi is slightly less interesting than Hanabi but his predicament, which is pretty similar to Hanabi, is still intriguing to watch because the target of his affections, his tutor and the music teacher at his school Akane, is just so damn complicated. Perhaps unrequited love is not something that everyone goes through but it’s something that I think a majority of us have and the loneliness and brokenness that Hanabi suffers through is portrayed in such a realistic and beautiful way that viewers can’t help but be captivated. There’s also just the fact that she’s a young, confused teenaged girl who doesn’t know how to deal with loving someone she will probably never have - her childhood friend and now teacher Narumi. What makes Hanabi so enticing as a lead is the fact that, although she’s engaging in this friends with benefits deal with Mugi, she’s relatively new to doing something so, hm, “scummy.” It also seems that she’s pretty much a newbie at relationship-related things in general so all of these new, complicated feelings (accompanied with all this ~sexy~ stuff) are all the more captivating to watch. Of course, that’s not that big of an issue since both characters get enough time to be fleshed out into three dimensional people.


In each other, they find a place where they can grieve for the ones they cannot have, and they share physical intimacy driven by loneliness.While both Hanabi and Mugi are the main characters, I always felt like the series showed a lot more of the former than the latter. Hanabi is also in love with a teacher, a young man who has been a family friend since she was little. Mugi is in love with Akane Minagawa, a young teacher who used to be his home tutor. Both Mugi and Hanabi have hopeless crushes on someone else, and they are only dating each other to soothe their loneliness. However, outsiders don't know of the secret they share. They are both pretty popular, and they seem to suit each other well. Seventeen-year-old Mugi Awaya and Hanabi Yasuraoka appear to be the ideal couple.

Kuzu no honkai anime crunchyroll